Construction and Selection of Two Sided Complete Chain Sampling Plans - CCHSP (0, 1) Indexed Through AOQL


  • Vijila. M. Asst. Professor Department of Mathematics, Karunya University, Coimbatore and a part time research scholar at Government Arts College, Coimbatore, India
  • Deva Arul. S Asst. Professor, Department of Statistics, Government Arts College, Coimbatore., India
October 15, 2017


In modern quality control practice, the professionals insist that if any defect occurs in a sample then very
strict quality control measures should be adopted in order to avoid rejection. A novel algorithm for Chain
Sampling Inspection called, Two sided - Complete Chain Sampling Plans CChSP(0,1) with outgoing quality
limit as indexing is developed and presented in this paper. The complete Chain sampling plan gives more
protection to the consumer while giving more pressure on the producer. Comparison between Ordinary
Chain and Complete Chain sampling plans shows better discrimination in sentencing the good lot against the
bad one. These plans provide small sample sizes by ensuring protection for the producers and at the same
time assuring the consumer with the better quality level after the inspection. Tables are constructed for two
sided complete chain sampling plan indexed through AOQL and illustration is also given for easy selection
of the plan.