Awarness of Green Marketing and Its Influence on Buying Behaviour of Consumers in Kerala


  • Sujith T S Assistant Professor Assabah arts and science college, P.O. Kokkur, Dist : Malappuram, Valayamkulam, Kerala 679591, India
July 9, 2017


The green movement has been expanding rapidly in the world. With regards to this consumers are taking responsibility and doing the correct things. Consumer awareness and motivation continue to drive change in the marketplace, notably through the introduction of more eco-friendly products. Compared to consumers in the developed countries, the Indian consumer has much less aware of environmental issues like global warming. Successful marketing has always been about recognizing trends and positioning products, services and brand in a manner that supports buyer intentions. Today, many companies have accepted their responsibility to protect our environment. So, products and production process become cleaner. More companies introduce green products and it helps to change the polluted world. “Go green”, because they realize that they can reduce pollution and increase profits at the same time. Green marketing is a creative opportunity to innovate in ways that make a difference and at the same time achieve business success. This paper investigates consumer perception and attitude of purchasing eco-friendly products.